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  • What is the mission and vision of ECS?
    We desire to Develop Kingdom Leaders in moral character, academics and service. Practically, we immerse our students in the teachings of Jesus and prepare them to have influence over relationships, families, and communities for the Kingdom of God.
  • What is an independent Christian school?
    ECS is a non-profit, independent, Protestant tradition school comprised of a local Board of Directors. While we have approximately 40 area churches represented by our school families, our school is not affliated with a specific church.
  • Are all staff members and families Christians?
    Yes, staff and faculty are followers of Jesus Christ. Staff and faculty contractually and practically agree to model Jesus in their lives so students may know Him. This is the "living curriculum" of our school. As a part of their handbook agreement, it is expected that our families are Christians and attend a church/fellowship in the community. We believe that the "triangle" of school, home and church goes a long way in transforming the character in a child of God.
  • Are teachers licensed and/or certified?
    Approximately 85% of our full-time teachers carry a state teaching license and certification through the Association of Christian Schools International. Some hold advanced degrees and have experience teaching in public and/or charter schools.
  • What programs do you offer?
    We offer pre-school for children ages 3 and 4 (by September 1), full-day kindergarten, and full-time programs for students in grades 1st through 8th. We also offer child care, athletics, and after school enrichment courses.
  • What are the school hours?
    Our standard hours are 8:30AM - 3:00 PM for full-time enrollment. Pre-school programs run from 8:30 AM - 11:25 AM or 11:45AM - 2:50PM The building opens at 8:15AM for drop off. Our afterschool program runs from 3PM-5:30PM
  • Are there maximum class sizes?
    Our pre-school program has maximums of 16 for PreK3 and PreK4. 5-day Preschool Program has a maximum of 10. Kindergarten through 5th grade has a maxmium of 22 in each classroom. The middle school maximum is 24 per grade level. In addition to our full-time teachers, we have 14 instructional assistants that deliver and monitor small group instruction for our students.
  • What is the academic model?
    We use a proficiency-based teaching and learning model, integrated with small group and individualized instruction. Proficiency-based teaching involves using data points and teacher observation to allow students to move at their appropriate level of pace and to give them opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge (proficiency). Grades, for example, are a direct result of academic performance. We also track essential character traits across all of the grade levels to ensure students are managing time, communicating, and using technology appropriately.
  • How do students grow to become like Christ?
    First, our staff members are the most critical part of spiritual development of our students into Christ-likeness. Our staff meet regularly to pray for students and to invest time and energy into their own maturity in Christ. From there, we use prayer, Bible reading, memorization, subject-Bible integration, weekly chapels, and leadership programming to invest into the development of our students. Moreover, once a month we meet as an entire school to recognize students who are seeking first the Kingdom of God and demonstrating growth in Christ.
  • How do you serve the community?
    Our students learn that servanthood and leadership are tied together in the Kingdom of God. Internally, middle school students serve as SALT Shakers (Servanthood and Leadership Teams) to a group of elementary students. Externally, we participate in several annual drives (e.g. May Service Day, pastor appreciation, Christmas boxes, foster care support, clothing drive) and invite families to be a part of the process.
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